1. I have been asked to put my arms around this vast landscape otherwise known as Trisha Brown: In the New Body. On one end, my fingers extend outward to touch the floor, the wall, my own pelvis, just remembering Early Works. Indeed, I can say I lived through the bodies of Cecily Campbell, Tara… Read more »
Video: Group Primary Accumulation at the Barnes

February 17, 2015, Trisha Brown Dance Company. Filmed and edited by Byron Karabatsos.
Screening of Trisha Brown’s L’Orfeo at Rotunda: Interview with Guest Curator Megan Bridge

“Peter and I see the Baroque and the postmodern as these sort of bookends that relate to each other, are in conversation with each other over the arc of 300 years.” Megan Bridge and Peter Price, artistic directors of <fidget>, were invited by Andrew Repasky McElhinney to select a film to screen at Andrew’s Video… Read more »
Letter To Trisha from Steve Paxton

The letter below was sent to Trisha Brown after she performed her solo If you couldn’t see me at the American Dance Festival in Durham, NC in June 1994. References which would’ve been clear to her but not to you, probably, include: Betsy Frederick, a mutual friend in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the costume, which consisted… Read more »
Carla Peterson on Trisha Brown

In June 2015 Carla Peterson presented the Dance/USA Honors award to Trisha Brown at Dance/USA’s Annual Conference. Peterson is the director of the Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography and former artistic director of New York Live Arts and Dance Theater Workshop and executive director of Movement Research. What follows are her remarks: Here are… Read more »
Essay: This choreography has a place for you by Marissa Perel
This essay was originally printed in the program notes for the Early Works performance by Trisha Brown Dance Company at the Barnes Foundation, October 18, 2015, part of the Trisha Brown: In the New Body yearlong festival. Before the feeling of the dance ever leaves you, you stop and look at the space around the dancers’ bodies. You notice areas… Read more »
Interview with Brandi Norton

“When the dancers seemed to be stuck or unable to bring an idea to life, she’d come bursting out of her chair and bust into movements that would ignite the room into flurries of activity and invention.” Brandi Norton was a dancer for the Trisha Brown Dance Company from 1997 to 2006. She continues to restage… Read more »
Interview with Iréne Hultman

“Working with Trisha Brown was like learning to bicycle: once a Trisha Brown dancer, always a Trisha Brown dancer. The dance, her dance, never leaves you completely—you can pick it up again and again.” Iréne Hultman was a dancer for Trisha Brown Dance Company from 1983 to 1988. She was later a rehearsal director (2006–2009)… Read more »
Essay: Trisha Brown by Marianne Goldberg

Reprinted from Fifty Contemporary Choreographers published by Routledge, edited by Martha Bremser. Used by permission of the author. Trisha Brown’s dances are shaped by dreams of levitation, by geometry, enigma, physics, by memory, mathematics and geography, by language. Her gestural imagery challenges perception of the moving body, making the impossible appear possible. Imagining that dancers… Read more »
Interview with Mariah Maloney

“Trisha created a world I never wanted to leave.” Mariah Maloney was a dancer with the Trisha Brown Dance Company from February 14, 1995, to December 12, 2002, and has since has served on its faculty. Q: What was your first encounter with Trisha Brown’s work? Mariah Maloney: On March 9th, 1991 I was an… Read more »
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